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AGCpunto24 - Racconti contemporanei | Vernissage 6 Luglio 2024 ore 18

AGCpunto24 - Racconti contemporanei | Vernissage 6 Luglio 2024 ore 18

The summer and exhibition activity of the La Mongolfiera art gallery resumes with enthusiasm with the exhibition of the Contemporary Jewelry Association which will be open to visitors starting from Saturday 6 July 2024.

The exhibition hosts over sixty authors, members of the Association, who will present their works created with the most evocative materials and using the most ancient goldsmith practices or digital technologies and additive manufacturing.

The AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo is a non-profit organization founded in Trieste in 2004 to promote research jewelery in a constructive and synergistic comparison with national artistic realities and in close contact with the international community. Today spread throughout Italy, it is based between Milan and Padua and also has numerous members in other countries including Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Austria, the United States, Argentina, Japan and Korea. It is open to jewelery professionals, designers, students, schools and galleries, as well as researchers, scholars and collectors. The aim of the Association is to enhance the quality and spread the culture of contemporary jewelery with exhibitions, seminars, research projects, publications, encouraging methodological approaches of sharing and aggregation.

The exhibition, curated by Eliana Negroni, president of the Contemporary Jewelry Association and Gioia Quicquaro, art historian, in collaboration with Laboratorio Lunamante of Sanremo will be inaugurated on Saturday 6 July at 6.00 pm and will be open to visitors until 13 July at the Galleria d' Art La Mongolfiera in via Roma 50 in Sanremo with the following times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday from 3.30pm to 7.00pm; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10.00 to 12.00.

Part of the works will also be exhibited at the Lunamante Laboratory of Sanremo in Piazza Eroi Sanremesi 4.

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