The ceramic sculptures of Debora Ciolli, Michele Fabbricatore, Marina Rizzelli and Nadia Allario

The ceramic sculptures of Debora Ciolli, Michele Fabbricatore, Marina Rizzelli and Nadia Allario

Making ceramics is therefore synonymous with wisdom, knowledge of the chemistry of the elements and the techniques to achieve a certain result.

All these characteristics belong to the ceramic artists offered in the gallery who shape their sculptures; this is how Michele Fabbricatore's works come to life, delicate in their soft colors and characterized by a careful use of green. Literary themes and references are reinterpreted with irony and creativity by the artist, his ability as an attentive narrator gives the viewer the possibility of catapulting himself into the themes addressed with new attention and wonder.

Debora Ciolli's ceramics tell her world, her being in close contact with nature, with the sea and animals. The choice of clay, engobe, majolica, stoneware are techniques that she uses expertly to create sculptures inside her laboratory overlooking the Tuscan sea. Her works are present as street furniture and exhibited in art galleries in Italy and abroad. For some years she has also dedicated herself to creating bronze sculptures of her characters.

Marina Rizzelli's women are works that represent her in toto: they are strong, decisive, determined, sinuous and elegant in their appearance. The continuous learning of new ceramic techniques and the desire to experiment have allowed her sculptures to reach a high level of technical and executive refinement.

Nadia Allario, heir to the Savona ceramic tradition, makes executive technique one of her main objectives: her pop ceramics are glazed to perfection. She has become a master craftsman and after winning numerous awards in 2019 she was chosen for the Cluj Biennial in Romania.

The opening hours of the gallery located in Sanremo in via Roma 50 are as follows: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3.30 pm to 7.00 pm; Tuesday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm and Saturday from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm and from 3.30 pm to 7.00 pm.

The unique works of the artists represented by the gallery are also visible and on sale on the gallery's online shop at the following link
For information write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 0039 0184 508554

The Gallery

La Mongolfiera is situated in the center of Sanremo, the main important tourist town of the Riviera dei Fiori with international soul and place of many events including the Festival of Italian song and the arrival of cycling race Milano-Sanremo.

The mild climate, the CasinĂ² and its proximity to the French Riviera make Sanremo a strategic point of Western Liguria.Visit the section About


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