Bolcato Stefano

Stefano Bolcato lives and works in Rome where he trained at the S. Giacomo School of Ornamental Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts.
The technique he prefers is oil painting which allows him to play with colors obtaining light effects and chromatic shades. His recent works are an interpretation of figurative painting in a POP key, through an original narrative inspired by the world of LEGO bricks.
He has developed a particular sensitivity to the theme of portraiture by studying and reinventing the masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Renée Magritte, Frida Kahlo and other great masters.
He recently exhibited at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, the Archaeological Museum in Salerno, the Permanente Museum in Milan and Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome

To see the works available to purchase click here or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Gallery

La Mongolfiera is situated in the center of Sanremo, the main important tourist town of the Riviera dei Fiori with international soul and place of many events including the Festival of Italian song and the arrival of cycling race Milano-Sanremo.

The mild climate, the Casinò and its proximity to the French Riviera make Sanremo a strategic point of Western Liguria.Visit the section About


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