Favre Tony

Tony Favre was born in Aosta in 1958 and in the 1980 he moved to Genoa where he began working on his three-dimensional wooden sculptures after experimenting in the field of graphics and sculpture.
Very active from the point of view of artistic production, in 2012 he created the series of works "Il Mondo in Bilico": an evocative universe, an ideal world, where dreams and reality meet and in which villages perched on an island in the sea they are the absolute protagonists.
The presence of man is only imagined and never told. The works of "Il Mondo in Bilico" are created on wood essences (maple, poplar, larch) which, after being modeled and sculpted, are painted with hot pigmentation, a particular technique that allows the wood to absorb the right amount of color necessary to make it last over time.

The Gallery

La Mongolfiera is situated in the center of Sanremo, the main important tourist town of the Riviera dei Fiori with international soul and place of many events including the Festival of Italian song and the arrival of cycling race Milano-Sanremo.

The mild climate, the Casinò and its proximity to the French Riviera make Sanremo a strategic point of Western Liguria.Visit the section About


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